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How many calories does dried young coconut have and what are the health benefits?

How many calories does dried young coconut have and what are the health benefits?

What are the uses of Desiccated Coconut for our health?

On Tet holidays, coconut jam is one of the indispensable delicacies. It is also the extremely delicious, attractive, and unique flavor of dried young coconut. So, how many calories does dried young coconut have and what are the health benefits? Please find out this information through the following information.


 Soft dried Coconut brings many great benefits to health

What is soft dried Coconut?

Soft dried Coconut is an extremely familiar dish for many people. This is an indispensable dish in the traditional Tet confectionery. The pieces of soft dried coconut are soft and flexible with many different colors, bringing a pleasant aroma and very delicious.

With advanced and modern drying technology and new production methods, the current soft dried Coconut is safer and more hygienic. This dish is prepared without additives and is a traditional dish during the Lunar New Year.

Dried coconut is also known as a delicious coconut jam

With dried young coconut, also known as coconut jam. This product is made up of copra or copra. The part of copra used is the young copra from a fresh coconut with a white flesh inside, with a certain softness.

This copra part will be preliminarily processed and dried with modern drying technology. The finished product is an extremely delicious, flexible dried coconut product. Even though it is dried, the coconut still has nutrients and still has an appealing taste.

How many calories in soft dried Coconut? What are the health effects?

Soft dried Coconut is a snack that is loved by many people. However, when enjoying this dish, whether the dried young coconut contains how many calories and has any health benefits is what many people are interested in.

For the young coconut dish processed by this method of drying, it has a calorie content with: 100g of dried young coconut will contain up to 700 calories, fat accounts for 67g, fiber accounts for 18g and protein 7g. In addition, dried young coconut also has many vitamins and minerals.


Soft dried coconut has a moderate calorie content

With this soft dried coconut dish, it is not only a delicious and attractive dish. Dried young coconut contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, glucose, fructose, fiber, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, iron... Therefore, this dish brings many health benefits.

With dried young coconut, it will provide energy for the body, help strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation. At the same time, coconut contains potassium, lauric acid, so it helps regulate blood pressure, good for people with blood pressure and helps promote heart health.

Note when using soft dried young coconut

There are many notes to use soft dried young coconut safely

With this soft dried young coconut dish, it brings a delicious and attractive dish and is an indispensable dish on Tet holiday. However, when enjoying and using this flexible young coconut dish, there are some important notes that everyone needs to pay attention to.

Before enjoying, it is necessary to check the expiry date of this dish. If it has not expired, but if there is a change in taste, color or odor, it should not be enjoyed. When using for storage, it should be stored in the refrigerator in the eye compartment to keep the taste and use longer.

In addition, an important note that people need to keep in mind is to choose young dried coconut from reputable places. This ensures quality products, safe as well as non-toxic to health.

If you are looking for a supplier of flexible desiccated coconut, please contact Loha foods. This is a reputable and quality manufacturer and supplier of dried fruit.


Where should I buy Desiccated Coconut?

Currently on the market, there are many units that provide flexible desiccated coconut, but to find a unit that provides standard and safe desiccated coconut for users' health is a problem that people often encounter. Concerned and worried about the origin and quality.

Therefore, I would like to introduce to you about our unit specializing in providing products of dried fruit and dried fruit and especially, our young coconut is committed to quality and has good quality. verified origin. If you want to learn more about dried young coconut in particular as well as dried fruit products in general, please contact:


Long Hung Imex Co., Ltd

Group 15, Nam Son hamlet, Quang Trung commune, Thong Nhat district, Dong Nai province, Vietnam



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