General policy

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General policy



These terms of use govern your use of the website bearing the domain name, which is operated by Your use of this website means your acceptance of the terms and conditions stated here.

User manual

When you access and use the services at this e-commerce website, you must ensure that you are over 18 years old, or access under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Customers must ensure that they have sufficient civil conduct to carry out goods purchase and sale transactions according to current regulations of Vietnamese law.

It is strictly prohibited to use any part of this website for any other commercial purposes or on behalf of any third party without our written permission.


Customer comments

All content on this website and customer reviews are our property. If we detect any information that is fake, distributes, disseminates or promotes pornography, reactionary content against the State of Vietnam, we have the right to delete it without prior notice or Apply other regulatory measures according to the provisions of Vietnamese law.

Accept orders and prices

We are committed to providing the most accurate product and price information to customers. However, sometimes errors still occur, for example when the product price is not displayed correctly on the website or the price is incorrect. Depending on each case, we have the right to refuse or cancel your order for reasons related to objective technical or system errors. Staff will contact you with instructions or notice to cancel the order, and refund the customer who has paid (If any).

Trademarks and copyrights

All intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered), information content and all designs, text, graphics, software, images, videos, music, sounds, software compilations Software, source code and underlying software are our property. The entire content of the website is protected by Vietnamese copyright law and international conventions. Copyright reserved.

Legal rights

The terms, conditions and content of this website are governed by Vietnamese law. The competent courts in Vietnam will resolve any disputes arising from unauthorized use of this website.

Regulations on security and transaction safety

Our website values ​​information security and uses the best measures to protect your information and payments. Your information during the payment process will be encrypted to ensure safety. Once you complete the order process, you will exit safe mode. We use services to protect information about content on the website. To ensure transactions are conducted successfully, minimizing risks that may arise.

You may not use any program, tool or other form to interfere with the system or change the data structure. The website also prohibits the dissemination, dissemination or promotion of any activities aimed at interfering, sabotaging or infiltrating system data. Violating individuals or organizations will be deprived of all rights and will be prosecuted before the law if necessary. All transaction information will be kept confidential unless required by competent legal authorities.

Law and authority in the territory of Vietnam

All of these terms and conditions and contracts and obligations arising out of contracts (If any) will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. If there is a dispute arising from these regulations of use, customers have the right to submit a complaint or lawsuit to a competent court in Vietnam for resolution.